
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) in children?

Have you ever imagine what happens to a child who has to deal with chronic pain related to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)? Children with chronic pain and TMD Few things make me feel more passionate about my profession than to see a person´s happiness after he/she get rid of a long last chronic pain, but [...]

“Eu pensei que não havia mais solução para minha DTM…” / “I thought there was no solution for my TMD…”

“ O problema é na hora de mastigar, eu não tenho mais prazer de comer” Essa era a realidade de Ana Lúcia, que além da dor severa, possuía também um travamento da boca, que não abria mais que um dedo. __________________________________ "The problem is when it comes to chewing, I do not have any more [...]

A ATM e a oclusão podem interferir no equilíbrio? Does TMJ/occlusion interfere in balance?

A inervação sensitiva e motora relacionada à ATM e oclusão é dada pelo nervo trigêmeo, cujo núcleo, que se localiza no tronco cerebral, possui conexões com os núcleos vestíbulo-cocleares, que controlam o equilíbrio e postura do corpo. Quando ocorrem certas alterações do sistema nervoso central, os processos patológicos da ATM e os impulsos sensoriais da [...]

2017: the first TMJ Marathon and my 1st International TMJ Pathology Center – this year is running fast!

The 1st TMJ Marathon in January 2017 and the opening of our first TMJ Pathology Center in Europe were two great achievements already in the beginning of this year! At the TMJ marathon, we gather patients and professionals together  for the first time in an unprecedented exchange of experiences! Patients were able to show the [...]

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